Friday, 30 January 2015

Glossy Magazines Have Inspired Me...

I would be the first person to put my hand up and admit that I have a slight magazine obsession. I think it stems back from having difficulty learning to read as a child. I find now that I tend to read to learn rather than read for pleasure. The truth is I'd rather pick up a magazine than an award winning novel! Part of doing my masters a few years ago was to prove to myself that I was no longer that six year old  that wouldn't and couldn't read.

Anyway back to my point..the problem with reading these fine pieces of glossy literature with pretty pictures of celebrities is that they seem to be inundated with diets and exercise reviews. I, the grown woman who has hit her 30s would just get sucked in like I've come across some amazing discovery (actually in that respect I haven't changed much since I was 15). I'm sure when you get to know me better you will realise this. I get excited by the before and after pictures and my diet always starts tomorrow.

But what do people do that that aren't able to exercise or diet?  Well I'm currently in that situation.  I miss running, spinning and hot yoga, I miss planning my crazy weird arsed diets and reviewing them with my girlfriends (especially with my partner in crime Kat) and my poor husband (who by the way doesn't have a choice). I know that currently I could do simple things to improve my health. I know for a fact that I don't drink enough water. It's like I trained myself to avoid it so I wouldn't need the loo (unlike my dear friend Kelly). This came in rather handy when I used to teach a full day and would have to do break and lunch duties. Looking in the mirror I know I'm dehydrated, my skin is dry and I seem to confuse thirst with hunger.   

So that's it, I have decided I am going to launch my own 30 day challenge. The daily two litre water challenge (original I know).

So I'm going to set a date and I hope you can join me!

Speak soon...


Minoushe xx

Wednesday, 28 January 2015

At Last I'm Here...Hello!

Blogging was one of those things that I always thought about and so really it was now or never.
I'm  married and a mother but it doesn't mean I always have to be sensible and just do mummy talk. 
I still love fashion, makeup, people watching, pointless chat, eating, baking, fitness, reading glossy magazines, shopping and much much more...

On May the 29th 2014 I made what I suppose was a life changing decision, I handed in my resignation. I gave up a my teaching career that I can only describe myself as being obsessed with and rather good at...Why? Well there were a few reasons;

1. I'd only ever been a teacher..sometimes I'd think what if...I didn't want to always have that niggling feeling at the back of my head.

2. I lived to work not worked to live. I just couldn't switch off.

3.  I needed change and many wise and wonderful people that I had crossed paths with always said 'Change is good, it's tough and it's not liked but it needs to be done.

4. I needed to spend more time with my son who I feel like I'd neglected

5. I wanted to try out some other things. 

I then sold my beautiful Hove grade 2 listed apartment right near the seafront and moved to an ugly looking 1970s house just outside London...

So here I am writing/ setting up my blog in sunny Surrey. I'm not a professional writer and I'm not claiming to be one...I just want to blog about things, products and experiences..I hope you enjoy reading my blog.


Minoushe xx