Carve a pumpkin and nail it...
It's been a while so I thought I'd ease myself back into blogging with pumpkin carving. Before I begin I just want to say thank you to those that have e-mailed for advise or help, it's always such a pleasure to hear from you. <3
To carve a pumpkin you will need the following;
- A pumpkin;
- A curving tool kit ( see pic for tools);
- Kitchen roll (it gets messy);
- A stencil ( you can buy or download these);
- Sticky tape;
- Led tea lights (far safer than the real thing);
- A puppy to eat the mess caused on the floor (optional);
- Patience
Step one:
Begin by chopping off the bottom of the pumpkin. This is far better as the lid normally tends to shrivel and go mouldy.
Step two:
Scoop the inside of the pumpkin out till it is hollow. Make sure you do this properly as if the inside is too thick the design won't work well.
Step three:
Tape your stencil onto your pumpkin, this can be a bit fiddly.
Step four:
Using the stick thing and/or the roller with jagged edges to go over the outline of the stencil (this takes a bit of time).
Step five:
Remove the stencil and you should end up with an outline of the picture.
Step six:
Use the saw tool to cut out the perforated edges.
Step seven:
Rinse, dry your pumpkin and display with your with the Led tea lights.Tip: so your pumpkin lasts longer store it in a bucket of water.
Pregnancy can be hard!
Quote of the week: Mummy I’m glad the baby will use my old cot because I’ll get to lie in my bed knowing I was the first to fart in it!
Let's put it this way nothing really works out how you planned it to and if it did life would be boring. I know I haven't posted in a long time not because I have had ‘writers block’ but because thinking back to my first pregnancy experience was difficult. I remember it very clearly and what I remember most of all is how it was nothing like I imagined!
I have a 7 year old and you would think that if I was having another one I would have had it four years ago??? Well wrong..I did always have the intention to but I think my first time round of being pregnant was a shock and to be honest not a lot of mums like to admit it but I will. I found it tough! I found being pregnant really hard. How my body changed was a shock..instead of craving cucumber I craved pizza and chocolate milk. I ended up gaining six stone or what I prefer to say I gained a 12 year old!
Friends looked at me worryingly and held their breath every time I waddled down the corridor..the students I taught wanted me to sit down as they were terrified I'd go into early labour..the PE department referred to me as 'the Unit'. I was constantly asked if I was having twins (trust me I wanted to slap those insensitive idiots silly).
Looking back I can see I made a huge mistake when I found out I was pregnant I wanted everyone to notice I was pregnant so I naively ate and ate..when I was 12 weeks pregnant I looked like I was 25 weeks pregnant. I retained so much water I had to take my wedding rings off..I remember remarking to my husband that my wedding ring didn't fit but it didn't matter anymore whether I was taken or not because I was clearly off limits
After the birth of my little boy I did something I should have never done I decided to try on my pre-pregnancy jeans and I was heart broken when I found that they didn't even fit through my foot.. It was awful, I felt so down..I became invisible to the opposite sex and instead of doors being held for me they were just slammed in my face. Don't get me wrong it's not that I wanted every man staring at me but its nice to get a compliment (from a man or woman). Instead of enjoying my beautiful little boy, I felt alone, I felt like I had lost my identity. Feeling like this made me feel guilty and I suppose it’s only now I feel ready to have another one.
Some women have wonderful experiences of pregnancy but it’s ok if you are not one of them! I’m not only dedicating this post to all mummies that found it difficult but also to those who will want to be mums in the future. It’s important to realise whatever you experience, it’s ok...I guarantee you won’t be the only one.
Here are my do’s and don’ts when pregnant…
Do join a pregnancy yoga class. It’s great to talking to other people in the same position as you and the stretching helps with all the back pain.
Do get a pregnancy pillow. It will help you and your partner get some sleep at night.
Do get some cream to massage into your belly and body.
Do drink lots of water.
Do eat lots of fruit and vegetables, if you are not that keen make a smoothie!
If you crave something like pizza or cheesecake, have it but don’t go crazy.
Do join the NCT and if this is your 2nd baby, they do a refresher course.
Don’t google all your symptoms, trust me it can scare the living daylights out of you. Speak to a midwife instead.
Do go to a baby show, you get lots of freebies and you can get an idea of all the new products out there.
Don’t compare bumps, remember everyone is different!
Don’t eat for two! You will probably need to eat more but don’t go crazy.
If you are feeling really down, don’t ignore the signs, speak to your GP or midwife. They will provide you with support.
Much Love,
Minoushe xx
Whether you are single or not you can still enjoy Valentine's day...
Card made by my little one for his grandparents |
Valentine's Day, love it or hate it, it comes around every year and there is no getting away from it. It seems to trigger very different emotions in people. Some experience love, other experience loneliness, hate or even bitterness. I personally find it strange...don't get me wrong I love getting a card from my grumpy man and sometimes he really spoils me. However I have known men, women and couples who expect certain things...Some women have an agreement with their husbands that they will get a dozen red roses every valentines. Call me old fashioned but what is so special about that? And surely that's a bit fake? On the other hand some people can argue that they need to be black and white about what they want from their partners.
Ironically I do love the month of February simply because I love to browse the shops and look at the pretty red and pink products they have to offer. I love it not because I'm a hopeless romantic but because I'm totally materialistic and yes I do buy myself chocolates every valentines. I did that the other day, I got myself some Lindt white chocolate and strawberry truffles and I am slowly but surely working my way through them.
I have friends that get depressed and bitter about being single on that day. Quite a few years ago I spent valentines away from Ian with a good friend (my gay best mate) who happened to be single and also happened to have his birthday. I think back of that time very fondly because we went out to dinner and had a brilliant time. We watched all the hopeless romantics and the singletons that were so desperate not to be on their own that night that they went on a blind date.
I am not going to say that cliche thing of if you love someone you need to show them you love them everyday because I simply get annoyed by people who come out with things like that...Instead that platonic dinner date taught me to celebrate love on Valentine's Day even if you are single!

Buy your mum, dad, sibling or best friend a small gift and tell them how much you love them or appreciate them. When I was little my mum used to always make me a valentine card and buy me a cute piece of stationary. Now I buy my little boy heart shaped sweets and get him to make his grandparents a 'I love you' card. Whatever Ian does for me comes as a surprise because at times he goes all out and other times he forgets and on reflection I'm ok with that. Yes I may do something special for my little boy, my parents or friends but I never forget to also treat myself. My mum once told me in order to love others you must love yourself first and as I have gotten older I have come to realise the truth in my mum's wise words. So whether you are single or not, think about spoiling someone around you that you truly love and don't forget about spoiling yourself.
Shopping List
1. Lindt Chocolates From Sainsbury's
2. Tasty Bone Duck flavour from TK MAXX
3. Sugar cubes from Harrods
4. Glitter Cup from Primark
5. Rose and Skull Ring from Kat and Bee
6. Krispy Kreme Love Bug from Krispy Kreme
7. Mr Brainbox Heart plate from Selfridges
8. Pink Rose from Marks and Spencer.
Happy Valentine's day!
Minoushe xx
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