Friday, 22 July 2016

I want to be an old lady like K

I'm sorry I haven't posted for a while, even though I'm currently not working, I seem to have been caught up in so much stuff. It's like I have so much going on in my head and a few days ago I just had to stop, think and reflect...
I'm always thinking about what I want.  For example I'm constantly thinking about losing my pregnancy weight,  my wrinkles, buying a new phone...the list is just endless.  When did I turn into such a materialistic, vein cow? I know this has been the case for a long time, even with my career I was super competitive, I was never happy, I always wanted more.   The thing is, I have rarely met someone that is happy with what they have or how they look...actually I have never met someone that is grateful for what they have.  I'm in my 30's and I still can't accept that I don't have a wash board stomach! I look in the mirror and I don't see  what my mum, husband and friends see, I see faults and count my grey hairs ( I have 6). 
The media is constantly going on about how teenagers have an unhealthy attitude about themselves and their image.  Actually I have met women and men (in their 20s, 30s, 40s and even in their 60s) that still have an unhealthy attitude about their image..when does it end?
Today I dropped off my little boy at his Tennis club and the lady  (K) that lived next door said hello to me.  She was in her 80s, she was cheerful and sweet.  I decided to talk to her for a bit.  I found out that her husband had passed away six weeks ago. She had three boys that she and her husband had raised in their family home.  Now her husband was gone, her boys had left home and she was living alone in her big five bedroom house and her house was going up for sale. She was so accepting but for that moment I was petrified.  All the things I take for granted my parents, my husband, my children , family day I'm going to wake up and I may also be in the same situation as K.  The problem is I don't think I'd be as brave or as cheerful as K.  I'd have regrets about the years of my life that I have wasted beating myself up about the slice of cake I ate or my stretch marks.
Life is short so don't be harsh on yourself, you may be young today but before you know it you will be an old person. Do you want to be that old person that is sad and bitter or do you want to be like K?  Thank you K, I hope that one day I'm as accepting as you are  and have wonderful memories like you.  Be grateful for what you have, some people act like they have a perfect life but in reality no one does. Stop comparing yourself, enjoy being you and create more fabulous memories, take on challenges and begin new adventures. Do nice things for other people and be positive about all the good things in your life.  All easier said than done but try.


Minoushe xx 

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