Friday, 27 February 2015

Pregnancy can be hard!

Quote of the week: Mummy I’m glad the baby will use my old cot because I’ll get to lie in my bed knowing I was the first to fart in it!

Let's put it this way nothing really works out how you planned it to and if it did life would be boring. I know I haven't posted in a long time not because I have had ‘writers block’ but because thinking back to my first pregnancy experience was difficult.  I remember it very clearly and what I remember most of all is how it was nothing like I imagined!

I have a 7 year old and you would think that if I was having another one I would have had it four years ago??? Well wrong..I did always have the intention to but I think my first time round of being pregnant was a shock and to be honest not a lot of mums like to admit it but I will. I found it tough! I found being pregnant really hard. How my body changed was a shock..instead of craving cucumber I craved pizza and chocolate milk. I ended up gaining six stone or what I prefer to say I gained a 12 year old!

Friends looked at me worryingly and held their breath every time I waddled down the corridor..the students I taught wanted me to sit down as they were terrified I'd go into early labour..the PE department referred to me as 'the Unit'. I was constantly asked if I was having twins (trust me I wanted to slap those insensitive idiots silly).

Looking back I can see I made a huge mistake when I found out I was pregnant I wanted everyone to notice I was pregnant so I naively ate and ate..when I was 12 weeks pregnant I looked like I was 25 weeks pregnant. I retained so much water I had to take my wedding rings off..I remember remarking to my husband that my wedding ring didn't fit but it didn't matter anymore whether I was taken or not because I was clearly off limits

After the birth of my little boy I did something I should have never done I decided to try on my pre-pregnancy jeans and I was heart broken when I found that they didn't even fit through my foot.. It was awful, I felt so down..I became invisible to the opposite sex and instead of doors being held for me they were just slammed in my face.  Don't get me wrong it's not that I wanted every man staring at me but its nice to get a compliment (from a man or woman).  Instead of enjoying my beautiful little boy, I felt alone, I felt like I had lost my identity. Feeling like this made me feel guilty and I suppose it’s only now I feel ready to have another one.

Some women have wonderful experiences of pregnancy but it’s ok if you are not one of them! I’m not only dedicating this post to all mummies that found it difficult but also to those who will want to be mums in the future.  It’s important to realise whatever you experience, it’s ok...I guarantee you won’t be the only one.

Here are my do’s and don’ts when pregnant…
  1. Do join a pregnancy yoga class. It’s great to talking to other people in the same position as you and the stretching helps with all the back pain.
  2. Do get a pregnancy pillow.  It will help you and your partner get some sleep at night.
  3. Do get some cream to massage into your belly and body.  

  4. Do drink lots of water.
  5. Do eat lots of fruit and vegetables, if you are not that keen make a smoothie!

  6. If you crave something like pizza or cheesecake, have it but don’t go crazy.

  7. Do join the NCT and if this is your 2nd baby, they do a refresher course.
  8. Don’t google all your symptoms, trust me it can scare the living daylights out of you. Speak to a midwife instead.
  9. Do go to a baby show, you get lots of freebies and you can get an idea of all the new products out there.

  10. Don’t compare bumps, remember everyone is different!
  11. Don’t eat for two! You will probably need to eat more but don’t go crazy.
  12. If you are feeling really down, don’t ignore the signs, speak to your GP or midwife. They will provide you with support.

Much Love,

Minoushe xx  

Friday, 13 February 2015

Whether you are single or can still enjoy Valentine's day...

Card made by my little one for his grandparents
Valentine's Day, love it or hate it, it comes around every year and there is no getting away from it.  It seems to trigger very different emotions in people. Some experience love, other experience loneliness, hate or even bitterness. I personally find it strange...don't get me wrong I love getting a card from my grumpy man and sometimes he really spoils me. However I have known men, women and couples who expect certain things...Some women have an agreement with their husbands that they will get a dozen red roses every valentines. Call me old fashioned but what is so special about that? And surely that's a bit fake? On the other hand some people can argue that they need to be black and white about what they want from their partners.
Ironically I do love the month of February simply because I love to browse the shops and look at the pretty red and pink products they have to offer. I love it not because I'm a hopeless romantic but because I'm totally materialistic and yes I do buy myself chocolates every valentines. I did that the other day, I got myself some  Lindt white chocolate and strawberry truffles  and I am slowly but surely working my way through them.
I have friends that get depressed and bitter about being single on that day.  Quite a few years ago I  spent valentines away from Ian with a good friend (my gay best mate) who happened to be single and also happened to have his birthday.  I think back of that time very fondly because we went out to dinner and had a brilliant time.  We watched all the hopeless romantics and the singletons that were so desperate not to be on their own that night that they went on a blind date.
I am not going to say that cliche thing of if you love someone you need to show them you love them everyday because I simply get annoyed by people who come out with things like that...Instead that platonic dinner date taught me to celebrate love on Valentine's Day even if you are single!
Buy your mum, dad, sibling or best friend a small gift and tell them how much you love them or appreciate them. When I was little my mum used to always make me a valentine card and buy me a cute piece of stationary. Now I buy my little boy  heart shaped sweets and get him to make his grandparents a 'I love you' card. Whatever Ian does for me comes as a surprise because at times he goes all out and other times he forgets and on reflection I'm ok with that. Yes I may do something special for my little boy,  my parents or friends but I never forget to also treat myself. My mum once told me in order to love others you must love yourself first and as I have gotten older I have come to realise the truth in my mum's wise words. So whether you are single or not, think about spoiling someone around you that you truly love and don't forget about spoiling yourself.

Shopping List
1. Lindt Chocolates From Sainsbury's
2. Tasty Bone Duck flavour from TK MAXX
3. Sugar cubes from Harrods
4. Glitter Cup from Primark
5. Rose and Skull Ring from Kat and Bee
6. Krispy Kreme Love Bug from Krispy Kreme
7. Mr Brainbox Heart plate from Selfridges
8. Pink Rose from Marks and Spencer.

Happy Valentine's day!


Minoushe xx

Tuesday, 10 February 2015

Can swishing some oil in your mouth whiten your teeth? The art of 'Oil Pulling'

So last week I had a nasty cold and I was feeling sorry for myself. My skin was dry, my lips were cracked, my nose was a tap and I was coughing so much that I was developing a six pack (I wish)...I am an absolute drama queen when I get ill and I just resented having to spend time in bed. 
While in bed I had been researching something called "oil pulling" I’d heard about it before from my wise mother but at the time I sort of thought 'Yeah O.K.’ But now with my eating habits starting to take a toll on my teeth, I thought I better give it a go.

What is Oil Pulling?

It's basically putting a tablespoon of oil in your mouth on an empty stomach and swishing it around your mouth for 10 - 20 minutes. The toxins attach themselves to the oil to get rid of the bacteria in the mouth. After the swishing you MUST spit out the oil otherwise you will be swallowing all the toxins (Yuck)!

What oil should be used?
Well people can use olive, sesame or vegetable oil etc but the best stuff to use is coconut oil as it does not stain the teeth and has antibacterial qualities. So I decided I was going to stick to using coconut oil.

What are the benefits to oil pulling?
The claims are somewhat unbelievable! I'm a rather cynical person and I don't really believe things unless I see proof...the claims are:

1. whitens teeth
2. Reduces tooth cavities and eradicates bad breath
3.Reduces headaches
4.keeps the skin clear
5. Increases Energy
6. Detoxes the body
And it continues!

I have been very lucky to have straight white teeth and I only have one filling. However recently I've noticed my tea and cappuccino drinking habits have slightly stained my teeth and unfortunately I also have an incredibly sweet tooth. So if this oil pulling business means that my teeth are whiter and my trips to the dentists don't involve any drills then I'm going to keep going with it.

So when is the best time to oil pull? 
First thing in the morning before you eat or drink anything. Note that for those15 minutes you won't be able to talk so it's best to warn everyone about it...this is great for my hubby as it means that I'm silent for the first 15 minutes of the day. Make sure when you are done with the swishing you dispose of it in the bin, not in the sink otherwise you can clog up your drains. Ok so after the swishing is done, rinse out your mouth and brush your teeth and voila!!

A bit of advice
Swish when you are doing something else there is nothing worse than standing by the clock and thinking...I've done 2 minutes now, only 13 to go. While I have been swishing I have had a shower, made breakfast or made my son's packed lunch.
If you find that you have over filled your mouth, spit some out, don't suffer or swallow any!
Coconut oil is a solid so when you put it in your mouth, it will start melting so don't bother trying to melt it before hand.
Initially putting the oil in your mouth will feel really weird but stick with it.
Don't over swish, trust me you will get mouth ache! 15 minutes is a long time!

Where can you get coconut oil from?
Health stores and some supermarkets stock the oil now. I love the stuff I use it in my cooking for my hair and body I'm a fan! I've included a few links where you can buy it from.

While researching I found this company called "coco white" (link) and they do flavoured coconut oil in sachets for oil pulling. I haven't tried it myself but if you have please let me know what you think. It's obviously far dearer then buying a jar from Holland and Barrett or Tesco but it is portioned out and flavoured.


After the first time, I saw a bit of a difference my teeth felt cleaner and looked a little whiter. 

I have been swishing for about a week now and I think it has made a difference to the appearance of my teeth.  My teeth don’t seem to get that fuzzy yucky film on them and they are definitely whiter. As for the other claims, I really can’t say that I have more energy etc.  What I do like it that I'm not putting any chemicals on my teeth to whiten them and my teeth feel nice and clean even first thing in the morning.

Will I continue with it? Yes, definitely, however it is time consuming and I found that some sites recommended oil swishing twice a day. To be honest I will stick to oil swishing every other day.

Let me know what you think and if you have oil swished before.
Places to buy coconut oil:
Holland and Barrett
Love, Minoushe xx

*No filters used

Friday, 6 February 2015

Naughty Oreo, Bourbon and Marshmallow Squares....Great for emergency cake sales and parties

Ahhh Panic...I opened my inbox to find an email from my son's school reminding me that on Friday was his class's cake sale. I had a stinking cold and was feeling so grumpy but I couldn't  let my little one down. I rattled my brain...what can I make that's easy and will hardly take any time? Got it! Oreo and Bourbon marshmallow squares. Next I had to check I had the ingredients....result! I did...

  • 50g of unsalted butter
  • 450g (2 bags) of marshmallows
  • 450g of a mix of Oreos and Bourbon biscuits
  • Sprinkles, edible glitter and mini marshmallows for decorating
I first came across a very similar recipe on Pinterest. I adapted it and made it slightly more British. Instead of using all Oreo biscuits, I use a combination of Bourbons and Oreos - actually more like 300g of Bourbons and 150g of Oreos. I like this combo better not only are Oreos far dearer than Bourbons (in England) but I have found that using the Bourbons makes the recipe less heavy and not overpowering.

So to make the squares you need to

  • Line a shallow tray with baking paper and very lightly grease
  • Smash the hell out of the biscuits, I would personally use a food processor. Typically I hadn't unpacked my processor yet and I couldn't find the box. So I smashed the hell out of them while I patiently listened to my son practice on his piano.
  • Put the butter and the marshmallows in a saucepan on a low heat and stir with a wooden spoon* till they have melted.
  • Add the the crushed biscuits to the marshmallow mixture and mix well.
  • Remove mixture from heat and pour into the tray and spread evenly.
  • Decorate with edible glitter, mini marshmallows or whatever your heart desires.
  • Put aside to set for an hour or so till firm.
  • Cut into squares and voila!

* if  you are into licking the spoon, please take care, it's really hot!!

Check out where I got the original recipe from

Speak soon,

Love, Minoushe xx

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

To Roller Lash Or To Roller Not?

I was quite excited yesterday as I got my copy of ELLE with a free sample of Benefit's 'Roller Lash' mascara and couldn't wait till I tried it. 

I adore make-up because it makes me feel better regardless if I'm having a bad hair day or a fat day. I adore Benefit's 'They're Real' mascara simply because I love the volume it gives my lashes, it doesn't crumble or leave residue on my face. Many have asked me about what I use and if I had to leave the house with only one make-up item on, it would definitely be my mascara! So this morning I put my face on and instead of using 'They're Real' I used 'Roller Lash'. The brush was good and instantly I could see a difference. My lashes were definitely longer. However I preferred the volume that 'They're real' gave me. 

I'm quite happy using 'Roller Lash' till my sample runs out but when I next head to my nearest Benefit counter I'll be buying my trusted old friend 'They're Real'.
I wouldn't recommend 'Roller Lash' if you have thin lashes but if you have short straight lashes it's a definite must. A few hours later and it hasn't crumbled or left a residue on my face.I think you are either 'They're Real' kinda girl or a 'Roller Lash' kinda girl! I know what I am...

Minoushe xx

Flap jacks...the clean way!

So I have an incredibly sweet tooth and up to about couple of months ago I was following the Paleo way of eating (please note that I don't refer to it a diet).  it was just a way of eating I tended to follow 80% of the time (which, yes did help me lose a significant amount of weight). I'd basically cut out sugar (except honey, molasses and maple syrup) processed food, potatoes, wheat, grains, dairy (unless raw) and bread. My diet consisted of lots of fruit, vegetables, meat and nuts. I’ll explain in a later post why I'm currently back on wheat. While eating the Paleo way, one of my dearest and closest friends (Kat) and I wanted to still have our cake and eat we started making Paleo cakes and treats. We were soon selling cakes to one of our local pubs and just enjoyed the baking. Now I have left Brighton, I really do miss her and miss all my friends that I left behind. Making a Paleo treat brings back the fond memories Kat and I spent in the kitchen coming up with some very successful recipes and some diabolical disasters. 
Today I had a chocolate cookie which I must admit, it was bloody awesome! Seeming that I'm not a naturally skinny Minnie, I really don't want to find myself getting into daily naughty habits. So following my cookie and my brownie the day before, I decided I was going to make some Paleo flapjacks. 

At least if I'm having treat that's high in calories I want it to be good and nourishing for me and my family...well my son and I...Ian doesn't do things that contain nuts in them! He prefers the processed stuff full of real sugar... In fact when Kat and I would make a cake we would be extremely chuffed if it passed the 'Ian test'

To make these awesome coconutty flapjacks you will need the following:- 

  • 300g desiccated coconut
  • 200g ground almonds
  • 340g of honey *
  • 1 tsp of vanilla essence 
  • 1 tsp of baking powder 
  • 1 egg (whisked) 
  • Dried fruit (optional)

Mix the whole lot together really well (I use my hands) and place in a lined baking tray. Put in a preheated 160 degree oven for about 20 minutes. 

 If it starts looking a bit overdone cover it in foil and return to the oven. After 20 minutes remove from the oven and allow it to cool and set. Once cooled, they should feel firm to the touch. 

Next cut yourself a slice (or 2) and enjoy! 

Store in a airtight container for about 3-4 days if it lasts that long! 

These beauties are wheat free, the sugar used is honey and full of goodness! Enjoy!

If you are interested in finding out more about the Paleo diet, send me an e-mail.  I have included some links below that you may find interesting.  I also have a Paleo board on my Pinterest which you can have a look at.

Please remember if you are going to follow a certain way of eating, you may need to speak to your doctor first and remember to do lots of research about it! As with any diet it has it's pros and cons.

Minoushe xx

*you can substitute the honey for agave if you wish.

Sunday, 1 February 2015

Amazing liquid that promises results!

Normally when I set myself a challenge, like losing weight, getting organised or starting running I love, I mean adore to hit the shops to get ready for it. When I took up running a few years ago, I just didn't go out and run...I started by buying a running book. I then went and got a special water bottle, a special watch...the list just goes on. I remember enjoying reading "Running made easy" while munching my way through a tub of Hagen Das ice cream. Obviously the people around me find this amusing as I suppose it's a type of procrastination. I don't think any revision books I ever bought were used. So today instead of going out and buying a fancy bottle for the water challenge, I'm going to use what I have.
I think I'm one of the few people that absolutely hate the taste of water. I get nagged and reminded to drink water from my other half and unfortunately I tend to suffer from headaches and dry skin. So what do I normally do? I down a whole load of water in one go and end up feeling sick and the circle of water hate continues.
Diego loves to drink his shower water.

So is drinking water a big hype? 

Well after researching (thank you Google), it appears not, it is recommended that we drink around 1.5 to 2 litres of water a day. With regards to benefits, the list seems to be endless:
  • It clears the skin (however don't do a me and expect the results over night because that just won't happen).
  • It reduces wrinkles (woohoo!)
  • It aids with concentration, prevents headaches and tiredness (yes please) 
  • It helps with weight loss, we tend to confuse thirst with hunger 
  • It makes you regular 
  • It makes you exercise better
  • It supports the heart
  • It increases energy levels
However all this comes with a health warning, too much water can be dangerous so please don't over do it.

So how do we make drinking magic stuff enjoyable (or in my case doable)?

  1. Have a small bottle e.g. 500ml or 250ml and refill it, that way the task will seem more manageable. You also won't end up downing the whole lot in one go when you realise you have only had 2 sips.
  2. Flavour your water. I am going to put some cucumber in mine, you can put some orange or lemon slices, you can even put berries and mint. 
  3. Instead of having your morning cup of coffee or tea, have some warm water with a few drops of lemon and a bit of honey. 
    Add a couple of ice cubes so the water is not boiling as this preserves the vitamin C in the lemon.
I am starting my challenge on Monday. It will be great if you could join me. Looking forward to reducing my headaches and wrinkles!
Love, Minoushe xx