Friday, 6 February 2015

Naughty Oreo, Bourbon and Marshmallow Squares....Great for emergency cake sales and parties

Ahhh Panic...I opened my inbox to find an email from my son's school reminding me that on Friday was his class's cake sale. I had a stinking cold and was feeling so grumpy but I couldn't  let my little one down. I rattled my brain...what can I make that's easy and will hardly take any time? Got it! Oreo and Bourbon marshmallow squares. Next I had to check I had the ingredients....result! I did...

  • 50g of unsalted butter
  • 450g (2 bags) of marshmallows
  • 450g of a mix of Oreos and Bourbon biscuits
  • Sprinkles, edible glitter and mini marshmallows for decorating
I first came across a very similar recipe on Pinterest. I adapted it and made it slightly more British. Instead of using all Oreo biscuits, I use a combination of Bourbons and Oreos - actually more like 300g of Bourbons and 150g of Oreos. I like this combo better not only are Oreos far dearer than Bourbons (in England) but I have found that using the Bourbons makes the recipe less heavy and not overpowering.

So to make the squares you need to

  • Line a shallow tray with baking paper and very lightly grease
  • Smash the hell out of the biscuits, I would personally use a food processor. Typically I hadn't unpacked my processor yet and I couldn't find the box. So I smashed the hell out of them while I patiently listened to my son practice on his piano.
  • Put the butter and the marshmallows in a saucepan on a low heat and stir with a wooden spoon* till they have melted.
  • Add the the crushed biscuits to the marshmallow mixture and mix well.
  • Remove mixture from heat and pour into the tray and spread evenly.
  • Decorate with edible glitter, mini marshmallows or whatever your heart desires.
  • Put aside to set for an hour or so till firm.
  • Cut into squares and voila!

* if  you are into licking the spoon, please take care, it's really hot!!

Check out where I got the original recipe from

Speak soon,

Love, Minoushe xx

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