Friday, 13 February 2015

Whether you are single or can still enjoy Valentine's day...

Card made by my little one for his grandparents
Valentine's Day, love it or hate it, it comes around every year and there is no getting away from it.  It seems to trigger very different emotions in people. Some experience love, other experience loneliness, hate or even bitterness. I personally find it strange...don't get me wrong I love getting a card from my grumpy man and sometimes he really spoils me. However I have known men, women and couples who expect certain things...Some women have an agreement with their husbands that they will get a dozen red roses every valentines. Call me old fashioned but what is so special about that? And surely that's a bit fake? On the other hand some people can argue that they need to be black and white about what they want from their partners.
Ironically I do love the month of February simply because I love to browse the shops and look at the pretty red and pink products they have to offer. I love it not because I'm a hopeless romantic but because I'm totally materialistic and yes I do buy myself chocolates every valentines. I did that the other day, I got myself some  Lindt white chocolate and strawberry truffles  and I am slowly but surely working my way through them.
I have friends that get depressed and bitter about being single on that day.  Quite a few years ago I  spent valentines away from Ian with a good friend (my gay best mate) who happened to be single and also happened to have his birthday.  I think back of that time very fondly because we went out to dinner and had a brilliant time.  We watched all the hopeless romantics and the singletons that were so desperate not to be on their own that night that they went on a blind date.
I am not going to say that cliche thing of if you love someone you need to show them you love them everyday because I simply get annoyed by people who come out with things like that...Instead that platonic dinner date taught me to celebrate love on Valentine's Day even if you are single!
Buy your mum, dad, sibling or best friend a small gift and tell them how much you love them or appreciate them. When I was little my mum used to always make me a valentine card and buy me a cute piece of stationary. Now I buy my little boy  heart shaped sweets and get him to make his grandparents a 'I love you' card. Whatever Ian does for me comes as a surprise because at times he goes all out and other times he forgets and on reflection I'm ok with that. Yes I may do something special for my little boy,  my parents or friends but I never forget to also treat myself. My mum once told me in order to love others you must love yourself first and as I have gotten older I have come to realise the truth in my mum's wise words. So whether you are single or not, think about spoiling someone around you that you truly love and don't forget about spoiling yourself.

Shopping List
1. Lindt Chocolates From Sainsbury's
2. Tasty Bone Duck flavour from TK MAXX
3. Sugar cubes from Harrods
4. Glitter Cup from Primark
5. Rose and Skull Ring from Kat and Bee
6. Krispy Kreme Love Bug from Krispy Kreme
7. Mr Brainbox Heart plate from Selfridges
8. Pink Rose from Marks and Spencer.

Happy Valentine's day!


Minoushe xx


  1. Happy valentines day hunny, it's a strange one for me.... So I think I needed to read this

    1. You too beautiful- remember you have a lot of people around you that really love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️
